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The Writing Coach Podcast with Rebecca L. Weber

Aug 31, 2021

Many writers see their writing as the way to measure their significance in the world. This viewpoint empowers editors to become gatekeepers who can determine if a pitch--and by extension, the person who sent it--has value or not. 

If the idea of an editor rejecting your pitch makes you cringe, you may be allowing the...

Aug 24, 2021

Are you making and implementing choices that are leading to financial growth?

If you see yourself avoiding financial goals, or setting the same monetary goals time and again without any real progress or change, your default thinking is likely working against you. We receive messaging from clients, peers, and society...

Aug 17, 2021

Portfolio shame can compound over time when a core belief (such as “I’m not a good enough writer” or “I haven’t made it yet” or “I should have better clips”) pops up every time we complete an assignment.

When we repeat these thought patterns over time, and feel ashamed both of the work we have and...

Aug 10, 2021

When a person tells you Yes, do you think it means No? Or vice versa?

Some freelance writers receive emails from editors that literally say “Please pitch me again” and choose to interpret it as “Never pitch me again.”

Today we’re going to unpack where this topsy turvy thinking originates from (hint: It’s not...

Aug 3, 2021

Hello podcast listeners! Here are the questions I’ll be answering today:

+ How do you stop thinking about where your sources would like to see a story published?

+ Do I need to list prices on my website? I keep getting asked for a rates card.

+ I bid on a project but they chose another freelancer. Should I let them...