Oct 31, 2019
PITA clients have nothing to do with breaking pita bread and
eating hummus with your editors. Today I’ve got in mind those
difficult clients who can be a real pain in the A.
We all have a different PITA threshold. I think of those emojis in
hospitals, where you’re asked to a face expressing your pain
Oct 24, 2019
Movie trailers are a brief preview of what’s to come. We’re all willing to watch for two minutes—IF it’s any good. In a minute or two, we usually know if we’re in (“Ooh, I want to see that one!”) or if it’s a hard pass.
What we never see is the screenwriter, director, or a critic talking to the camera...
Oct 17, 2019
Are you terrified of what might happen to your freelance writing career if you put up an Out Of Office message on your email? In this episode, I talk about why I OOO while at a writing retreat and during a long plane ride, and the freelance chaos that did not commence. Turns out the drama was in my head—go...
Oct 15, 2019
Would you like to develop some real insight into the strategies that are most effective when pitching publications that feel out of reach right now? Are you curious to see how pitching effectively can lead to long-term clients and the kind of portfolio that draws editors to you (so that ultimately you wind up pitching...
Oct 10, 2019
As you probably know, the fourth quarter is terrible for all freelance writers. It will almost certainly be your worst 90 days financially of the year.
Ok, that’s not true at all. It’s in no way a factual statement. It is a belief some people have, and it happens to be one that’ll get in your way when it comes to...